When looking back at those 10 years as chairman, I shall start by raising the question: “a chairman, actually, what is it? or rather what for?” … My first impulse would be to say “he is useless” … Indeed, a chairman is useless for he can do nothing all by himself! Temporary leader, he is nothing without the support and the solidarity from all members, and I would like to mention some advisers, especially, during this past decade, Léon, who passed away far too early, Elisa, Cristina, Agostino, and Piero.
You appointed me, but I considered myself as a simple servant, in charge of the values which underly the CCIT, values laid out in the charter, values which include respect, solidarity, refusal of all kinds of behaviour against tziganes, sharing out and friendship between peoples and religions… In charge of the values but also who has a place in history: the chairman is not the person for beginnings, he is part of a history which started before him and which will continue after him, he is the person for a period, pilgrim for a while … Today I stand as a go-between after Piero to whom I succeeded and before a new chairperson.
At the time of looking back, I weigh up the delight that was given to me, and not only after becoming chairman, delight to have known exceptional encounters during my trips with Léon, Elisa and Piero which took place as we were preparing our annual gatherings. Without wishing to blow my own trumpet, I believe I can state I visited all – but a few – European countries. Delight to discover different cultural approaches, pleasure to be astonished, pleasure of deeply sealed friendships, but also pleasure to experience the responsibility for preparing these gatherings in a team which was carrying with me the weight of the office, in full confidence, each one with his /her own expertise. I have experienced a proper work of shared construction which – on each occasion – led me to calmness. Not being the only one who is in charge of meetings brings about a true peaceful feeling, especially in view of my temper, too often doubt-stricken, possibly a characteristic linked to my personal history.
Indeed, at times I was doubtful and went through exhaustion periods, for instance when documents that were to be translated did not arrive in due course, or when I had to take the decision to cancel the 2020 and 2021 meetings because of pandemic diseases: would stopping for two years have an impact on our 2022 meeting? All those details related to performance, motivated by the desire to perform well, to perform fine in order to have an exceptional meeting… As I said earlier, all of that since it is a job of shared construction, job also assigned to the local hosting teams which need to be backed up and accompanied, all of that leads to meetings which were all exceptional. I don’t need to be reassured: the best evidence is the number of participants this year, even though some are missing because some reorganisations are taking place as a follow up to the death of their leaders, I am particularly referring to Croatia (Karolina) and also to Albania (Luciano Levri) …
If I said I did a lot, I would be showing off. In the tradition of those who were chairmen before me, I just tried to strengthen our position as partners to the CCFD which grants us subsidies each year, and also to the Department for the Service of Integral Human Development: you can refer to the message from the cardinal, evidence that we are recognised for what we are.
One regret: my parish commitment did not allow me to have enough spare time to visit as Léon, Piero and Yoška used to do in favor of countries which are hardly represented, or not at all represented, in our gatherings, for instance Serbia, Poland…
Therefore, at this time where my term comes to an end, I believe there is still a lot to be achieved in order that CCIT and Nevi Yag may develop as they should in a future open to new technologies. The website is already on its way, but – as we all know – the issue of translations still remains in all our debating groups and in our general assembly.
I shall not dwell on expressing my thanks, it does not sound like me: thank you to have relied on me, I am not going away, just changing seat! I fully remain a CCIT member, available as much as possible to the new chair team which I assure heartfully and honestly of my friendship as I say ” latcho drom”, off you go, enjoy the path!
Claude Dumas