What is CCIT?
The CCIT brings together people of all cultures, languages, religions and ideologies.
For more information
CCIT brings together people, Roma, Sinti, Travelers and Gadjes, priests, religious, lay people, of all cultures, languages, religions, ideologies, who are committed or who wish to commit themselves together, to a common human and evangelical path starting from the lives of Gypsies.
It is a place for meeting, reflection, exchange and mutual enrichment.
By defining itself as a place for sharing pastoral and human experiences, CCIT’s vocation is to inspire, to arouse an ever renewed attention that is adapted to the concrete situation and does not have as its aim the elaboration of humanitarian or pastoral projects.
It is within the vocation of the Universal Church, to which the Gospel calls us.
The CCIT is a witness:
- That Roma, Sinti and Travelers, because of their culture and their situation of exclusion or marginality, are often led to live on the peripheries of societies and of the Church itself.
- That this situation creates migratory movements, bringing each of us (Roma, Sinti, Travelers and Gadjes) into contact with Roma groups from other countries, of other religions, with different mentalities.
- That security policies (causes or consequences) turn into ideologies and generate processes of injustice, poverty, isolation and exclusion.
These considerations urge us, either Tziganes or not, for a continuous renewal of our attitudes and pastorals.
Eager to pursue an ecumenism of service, the CCIT is driven to concretely live an interreligious approach and dialogue
- Per far cadere i muri dell’incomprensione, il CCIT sviluppa al suo interno una spiritualità di fraternità che nasca dalla “presenza a Dio e al mondo” e dall’accoglienza dell’alterità:
- Il desiderio di rendere concreto e vivente il messaggio evangelico secondo il quale l’altro, sopratutto il più socialmente fragile, è una “vivente incarnazione di Cristo”.
- Sceglie per se stesso di essere povero e libero di fronte al denaro;
- desidera essere l’espressione di una Chiesa aperta e calorosa;
- riconosce ed assume, tutte le differenze dei suoi membri in una comunione fraterna e gioiosa.
- Attraverso i suoi incontri annuali internazionali, i suoi scritti, il suo bollettino semestrale (Nevi Yag), le iniziative dei suoi membri, il CCIT sensibilizza le comunità cristiane e le Chiese sulle situazioni reali vissute dagli zingari.
- In order to break down the walls of incomprehension, the CCIT develops within itself a spirituality of fraternity that stems from “presence to God and the world” and the acceptance of otherness:
- The desire to make concrete and living the Gospel message that the other, especially the most socially frail, is a ‘living embodiment of Christ’.
- It chooses for itself to be poor and free in front of money;
- wishes to be expression of an open and warm Church;
- recognises and assumes all the differences of its members in a fraternal and joyful communion.
- Through its annual international meetings, its writings, its biannual bulletin (Nevi Yag), and the initiatives of its members, CCIT raises awareness among Christian communities and churches of the real situations experienced by Gypsies.
Its relationships
The CCIT is recognised by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.
Autonomous in its functions and relations, the CCIT maintains in friendship a collaboration with the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, with several Bishops’ Conferences and Chaplaincies in each country.
It always cares about peace. It’s interested in what’s going on in the world, at the civil and political level, even in the European Union. It’s spread however far beyond its borders.